
Direct application

Smart film technology, also known as switchable or dynamic film, is an extremely versatile and ideal solution for a very wide range of projects.

21 - 08 - 2023

Switchable Smart Film PDLC, understood as intelligent glass, has rapidly established itself as an innovative feature used by architects and interior designers for their most luxurious and refined p

01 - 06 - 2023

The application of the LCD switch film makes it possible to change the transparency of the glass.

04 - 04 - 2023

Ideal for the minimalist design of spas, wellness centres, sports centres, hotels and luxury homes

06 - 05 - 2022

Natural light improves students' well-being and learning

25 - 08 - 2022

Switchable FILM with Innoptec®’s PDLC technology - able to make the glass intelligent - is the answer to the search for a new, multifunctional

22 - 12 - 2021